Thursday, August 8, 2019

Vacancy Transmission Engineer SDH OTN Optical WDM

Elevate has a vacant position for their client for a Transmission Engineer. Candidate should:

1. Be familiar with SDH/OTN principle 
2. Be familiar with Optical network commissioning and troubleshooting. 
3. Have experience about WDM network optimization. 

Have a good command of microwave principles, service configuration, troubleshooting. 
2. Have a good command of microwave network solutions and related network solutions. 
3. Have a command of formulation of the delivery solution for a new microwave project, analysis based on typical delivery scenarios, delivery solution implementation, and SOP formulation. Have a command of microwave implementation management method, analysis based on network priorities, formulation of independent delivery units, and project plan integration guide. 
4. Have a good command of parallel migration, hot migration, and swap migration, have a basic command of risks and difficult points of each migration scenario, formulation of migration schemes based on live network conditions and customer requirements. 

Please send detailed CV to with the position in the subject box. 

Vacancy Transmission Engineer SDH OTN Optical WDM


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