Wednesday, February 28, 2018

[Career Job Vacancy Opportunity] NOC (Network Operation Center) - PT. Selindo Alpha - Jakarta

NOC (Network Operation Center)
PT. Selindo Alpha - Jakarta

Ensure maximum possible service availability and performance Respond to requests for technical assistance in person, via phone, electronically.
Provision customer network services on core equipment Diagnose and resolve technical hardware and software issues.
Provide support services for Engineering and other technical teams Research questions using available information resources.
Provisioning (IP assignment, core network configuration, DNS setup, monitoring and graphing for co location, leased lines, customer backup and other customer network services). Advise user on appropriate action.
Install and build Server, application upgrades, network equipment build and installation
Maximum 30 years old
Diploma or Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication
Having a good knowledge in Networking systems
CCNA Certified

At least basic Transmission knowledgee
Customer oriented with excellent customer call skills
Excellent oral and written communication skills
30+ days ago - save job
- original job

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