Wednesday, January 18, 2017

[Career][Job][Vacancy] Back Office Datacomm Engineer

[Career][Job][Vacancy] Back Office Datacomm Engineer

Saya sedang mencari 2 kandidat untuk Posisi Back Office Datacomm Engineer [Urgently] untuk support IPRAN LTE.
Bagi teman - teman yang berminat untuk posisi tersebut, mohon dapat mengirim CV :

To         :
Subject  : BO Datacomm Engineer LTE

Main Responsibility :
-Support Manage IPRAN LTE
-Troubleshooting problem network
-Responsible for end to end Network integration.

Minimum Qualifications :
- Bachelor degree in computer science or equivalent with  min GP 3.0
- Minimum CCNA/JNCIA
- 3-5 years of experience in Network
- Fluent Communication in English
- Experience with  IP Routing protocols (IGRP, OSPF, EIGRP, BGP and ISIS)
- Having Experience in troubleshooting E2E
- Knowledge of LTE Network
- Ability to work both independently and as part of a team
- Ability to learn new skills and apply them quickly

Soft Skills Required:
• Strong Communication and writing skills
• Strong interpersonal skills sets
• Strong analytical skills
• Self-starter and a leader, with the ability to take initiative and innovation
• Can handle multiple projects and tight deadlines

Thank you
Best Regards,

Roby Wibisono
Mobile Gsm: +62816770051


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