Thursday, June 16, 2016

[Career] LTE Optimization Engineer - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

LTE Optimization Engineer

Posted by: Ahmad Shafique
Posted date: Thu, 16th Jun

Location: Middle East / West Asia
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The LTE Optimization Sr. Engineer should have a good knowledge in the field of 2G/3G/ and extensive experience in LTE_FDD/TDD radio communication, acquired through technical training and practical experience in Ericsson or another equivalent company.


•Monitor the daily and busy hour statistics.

•Responsible for improving & achieving contractual LTE TDD/FDD Network KPI’s such as Accessibility, Retainability, Mobility, service integrity, utilization & Availability.

•Responsible for testing and evaluating the radio performance for the newly integrated sites.

•Daily LTE Optimization activities (Worst cells optimization, Performance evaluation for new changes,etc….)

•Responsible for the drive test analysis and taking the necessary action to improve the performance of his area.

•Change the radio related parameters

•Participate in technical discussions with the customer in order to gather product-related information.

•Responsible for periodic Network consistency checks.

•Evaluate and adapt new methods and technologies regarding Radio Network Optimization & Tuning.

•Help the customer to get more knowledge about Ericsson’s products by holding seminars and presentations of new or enhanced products and functionality.

•VoLTE parameters & related features Audit and tuning.

•IRAT , SRVCC and Idle Mode Parameters Audit.

•Implementing, Evaluating LTE features & Trials.

•Act as a mentor for the younger engineers.

Job Title LTE Optimization Engineer
Post Details
Posted By Ahmad Shafique
Start Date
Email Address
Job Type Contract
Location Middle East / West Asia
City or State Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


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