Tuesday, January 5, 2016

[Career] MNC IPTV VAS Engineer - Local Career

Hi There,

I hope you are doing fine and sorry if this opportunity might not suitable for you.

We are currently looking for MNC IPTV VAS Engineer for our client as per detail below. If you are interested, please send CV to me and my colleague: riana.novianti@bluevisions.co.id . Otherwise, we are grateful if you can pass this opportunity to your colleague who is interested. For other positions vacancy, we are encouraging you to drop your CV through the following link: http://www.bluevisions.com.au/contact-us/join-us/General-Telecommunication-Engineering.aspx

Requirement Details
1. Bachelor degree
2. Fluent communication in English
3. Over 3 years of experience on VAS service.
4. Proficient in Linux or Unix.
5. Proficient in Database, such as Oracle.

Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply

Job Description:
<![if !supportLists]>1.     <![endif]>Customer service
<![if !supportLists]>2.     <![endif]>Home base Jakarta
<![if !supportLists]>3.     <![endif]>Duty for IPTV system Installation/Maintenance troubleshooting

Thank you,

Best regards,
Anton Dewantoro
Relationship Manager
Menara Imperium Lt. 31 Unit 31 - B, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav.1, Jakarta, 12980
p +6221 8378 6195 f +6221 8378 6196 w www.bluevisions.co.id
Sydney | Newcastle | Canberra | Perth | Brisbane | Melbourne | Abu Dhabi | Dubai | Qatar | Beijing | Singapore | Jakarta | Hong Kong
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